Trick or treat yo’self to some spooktacular tracks from our Halloween playlist

Mainstream Halloween songs you can use on YouTube

Halloween content is huge on social media, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to grab your pumpkin spice latte and start your Halloween content brainstorm. Need some musical inspo? We have a hauntingly epic Halloween playlist that’ll provide a scintillating soundtrack for whatever content you land on.

Halloween on social media?

Social media content is a huge source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people who want to celebrate Halloween in the best possible way. More than 172 million Americans celebrated Halloween in 2019 – that’s a lot of potential eyes on your content. Why not serve up something with a spellbinding soundtrack this year?

Lickd’s Halloween Playlist

Listen to the full Lickd’s Halloween Playlist with ease or carry on reading to see our highlights!

License XXXTENTACION YouTube Lickd


XXXTENTACION’s number one album, ‘?’ is full of dark and emotionally intense content including stand-out track ‘Moonlight’ which has over a whopping 1.3 billion streams on Spotify. The Broward County artist bends and breaks genre barriers, stirring together rap, R&B, punk rock, and metal that snaps without warning from moments of emotional crooning to cathartic screams. Another good Halloween track from this album is ‘Schizophrenia‘ although it’s a little… scary.

Skrillex Scary Monsters Halloween songs LickdScary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex

The title track and most popular song off Skrillex’s 2010 EP, this track has over 160 million streams. It was used in film, games and even won a Grammy, but almost more impressively: it’s acknowledged as the catalyst for the spike in EDM popularity in the decade following its release. With ‘scary monsters’ literally in the title and a song full of backwards lyrics, there’s no denying this as a Halloween song.

Bad to the bone bbno$ Halloween song Lickdbad to the bone by bbno$ prod. lentra

With over 11 million streams, this is a chilled, laidback track but at the same time perfect for dancing to at your next Halloween party. Not heard of bbno$ before? Well, better get used to that name (pronounced baby no money) as he’s gaining a lot of traction, especially after TikTok viral trending song Edamame.


Jonasu Black Magic Halloween Songs LickdBlack Magic by Jonasu

“ magic, you work your voodoo on me..” and perhaps it will work your voodoo on your viewers too! Another TikTok trending song, this track has over 44 million streams and over 153 thousand uses on TikTok alone. Who doesn’t love a little black magic voodoo at Halloween?


We wish we could go on but we’ll leave you to rest in peace and listen to the tracks yourself:


Chosen a track but need help editing the music to your video? Check out our audio editing tutorial channel for helpful step-by-step videos on all popular software.

Don’t know who or what Lickd is yet?

Lickd gives you access to the biggest tracks from the best artists at low prices. This means you can embellish your vlogs with the latest chart-toppers without having to worry about breaching copyright or paying a big bill.

Lickd empowers YouTubers to search high-quality songs by genre, length, mood, and more. Plus, if you sign up today, you get 25% off your first song!


Halloween Content Ideas

If you’re still stuck for inspo, have a browse through the popular Halloween content ideas with links to video examples below:

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