Fashion and beauty YouTuber and DJ, Zoe London, has worked from home for seven years. If there’s anyone who knows how to navigate the tricky world of home offices, it’s Zoe.
So, if you’re struggling to get the work-life balance right, don’t stress, we’ve got the perfect interview for you. We asked Zoe everything from how to nail the perfect video call, to what never to do when WFH, read on to find out her top tips.
Tell us about your daily routine when working from home?
My day-to-day varies a bit, but I try to keep at least some things the same. Firstly, I move into my home office – I’m so grateful to have this space – and work from there. I spend some of the time filming new content, or taking photos in and around my house. One thing I always do is take 45 minutes out of my day to walk with my dog Buckley in the park!
What’s your no.1 tip for staying motivated when creating content from home?
My main tip would be to think about what inspires you. It’s different for everyone, but for me it’s being able to keep a roof over my head, to feed my family and to be able to travel. If you’re struggling with motivation, take a step back and write a list – not of what you need to do, but of what you want out of life. I find by prioritising my happiness, I am motivated to work more. Ignore other people’s day-to-day on instagram stories, it can suck the motivation out of you.
What’s the best thing about working from home?
The freedom of being able to do things on my own terms.
What’s the worst thing about working from home?
Getting used to a routine can take a while. I’ve been working from home for seven years now, and it is difficult to adjust to at the start. It takes time, but you’ll get there.
What advice do you have for Creators who are sharing a home workspace with friends, partners or family?
Try and find a little space of your own, or utilise time in the garden. Failing that, try and get them involved! Even if they don’t want to feature, their input is invaluable. When I lived at home, my mum used to give me ideas for beauty looks and it was so inspiring!
How do you look after your mental health when working from home?
This one can be tricky but there are so many things you can do. Taking a walk outside in the fresh air really helps, or if you have a balcony/outdoor space you can take your laptop and work outside, too. Read a book, or do something that helps you take your mind off things. For me it’s either doing a fitness routine (I love The Fitness Marshall on YouTube!) or painting. Better yet, do some baking. Not only will you enjoy the therapeuticness of switching off to bake, you’ll also be rewarded with delicious baked goods!
The Fitness Marshall
What should you absolutely never do when trying to be productive when working from home?
Work from your bed. Never ever do that. The only times I do that is when my endometriosis flares up so bad I physically cannot leave the bed. In no other circumstance would I work from bed. Also, make sure the first thing you do is shower and get dressed! This will really help with how you feel.
What’re your 3 top tips for a successful video call?
Prepare in advance by reading over what it is you’re about to talk about – sounds like common sense but just by reading it all over you’ll feel clearer. Also, practise saying out loud what it is you want to get across and how best to word it. And finally, don’t just dress from the top up, dress fully, it will help you feel more professional. If you’re really nervous, a bonus tip is to stand like a superhero for five minutes and tell yourself you can do this!
What’s your go-to ‘let’s get this done’ track?
Fisher – Losing It. Absolutely pumps me up every time! I actually have a playlist of over 200 songs and if I’m struggling I stick this specific playlist on shuffle!
We want to hear how WFH is going for you. Did you try Zoe’s superhero stance? Or get through a hectic hour with Fisher’s Losing It? Tell us all about it @getlickd.
Talking of music to get you through, we’ve got a working from home playlist that’s perfect for soundtracking your day. And if, like Zoe, a little exercise has become a quick win for lifting your mood, we’ve also got a home workout playlist that’s sure to get your heart pumping. Enjoy!